Thomi Stuff, Blog

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A Crossdressing Person's World

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Thomi Stuff: August 2010


Call The Police

For the second time in about a month two of my neighbors have called the police thinking that I was outside in the nude. I guess that they have never seen someone in bikini speedos before... Mine are pink and I show them off in one of my YouTube videos.


Houston Cross-dress Ordinance

Attorney, Phyllis Frye

30 years ago, after 3 1/2 years of lobbying to repeal an ordinance used to harass females wearing fly-fronted pants, Mayor pro tem Johnny Goyen signed the ordinance repealing Houston's Anti-Cross Dressing Ordinance. This is not a joke! At that time women were expected to have their zippers on the side or in the back, otherwise, they were cross dressing. This led to constant harassment and several arrests for trans identified women, lesbians and anyone else the vice squad did not approve of.

On August the 12th, 1980, after several delay-tags that were put on to the repeal ordinance, it was again before Council. At the time, our Mayor was Jim McConn. He was out of town, as was Jim Westmoreland. McConn knew that it was coming up on the agenda, and he had told the Mayor pro tem for that day, Johnny Goyen, that it was alright with him. City Secretary, Anna Russell, waited until Council members Homer Ford and Larry McKaskell were on the phone. When they got on the phone, she immediately handed the repeal to Johnny. You see, the deal is that under council rules if you're present and you don't vote no, then it's an automatic yes vote. Homer and Larry were on the phone. They didn't even know what was going on. There was only one no vote, and that was Council member Christen Hartung, she was the sole and only no vote. I still hope that somebody will beat her. Homer and Larry went to Johnny about five minutes later, and Johnny says, "oh, I didn't know that was going through." The ordinance was repealed and it has remained so to this day.

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Shaving And Hair Growth

The notion that shaving increases hair growth is a popular misconception. Shaving neither increases hair growth nor causes the hair to come back thicker or darker. Similarly, neither plucking nor the use of depilatory creams affects hair growth or color.

Effects of Shaving
1. Hairs grow out of follicles that are located beneath the surface of the skin. The follicles determine the hair diameter and color. The hair itself is not alive and does not affect its own rate or manner of growth. The hair shaft is thickest at the follicle and tapers toward its tip. A hair that is cut at or near the surface of the skin has a circumference at its cut end that is greater than the circumference of the hair at its end. This makes the cut end appear larger and darker than the tip. The stubble also feels rougher because the hair shaft at the skin's surface is shorter and thicker than the hair was prior to shaving.

Hairs frequently grow out of the skin with a bias in a particular direction rather than growing out perpendicular to the skin's surface. You can check the direction of hair growth by running your fingers in different directions over your skin. The skin feels smoother in the direction of hair growth and rougher in the opposite direction. Shaving against the grain (in the direction opposite the direction of hair growth) may give a closer shave and leave the skin feeling smoother. Unfortunately, the risk of ingrown hairs is greater as a result of shaving against the grain as opposed to shaving with the grain.

Shaving not only cuts hairs, but also removes some of the outer skin cells and the oil on the surface of the skin. As a result, you may wish to moisturize the skin after shaving.


Confused In A Man's Body

I have been feeling a lot of confusion lately. I do somewhat feel the female in a man's body "thing" but that does not really describe the way I have been in the last week or so. What seems to be troubling me is going out in public dressed as female. I live outside the big city life in an area which is populated by people that see things as a male should dress male and female, female. I do not depend on these people for anything so I try not to care, but still find myself getting uncomfortable around them. Such as when I go to a market for food or a restaurant and such things public. This appears to be an overblown thing in my own mind but I seem not completely convinced of that yet. I keep thinking that these people, which I have known for years, are not used to me dressed female. Maybe most of them just do not care what I do... Maybe I should ask some of them... Maybe not... What do you think, leave a comment below.
Much love,


Good Summer

Well, I have been having a rather good and entertaining summer. So far, I have only had one comment that was in the negative. A man that I have known for many years who is a bit younger than me seen my nail polish and his eyes got real wide. After a couple of seconds he blurted out, "men don't wear nail polish". I just grinned at him and walked away. As I say there has been lots of unexpected positive comments. Generally I get the good responses from females (is that not an interesting word, female fe and male, hummmm).
Webster says:
Main Entry: 1fe·male
Pronunciation: \ˈfē-ˌmāl\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century

1 a (1) : of, relating to, or being the sex that bears young or produces eggs (2) : pistillate b (1) : composed of members of the female sex (the female population) (2) : characteristic of girls or women (composed for female voices) (a female name)
2 : having some quality (as gentleness) associated with the female sex
3 : designed with a hollow or groove into which a corresponding male part fits

— fe·male·ness noun

There is however, that "male" part... They do not say where that came from, hummmmm...

Well, I know where it comes from:
The word female comes from the Latin femella, the diminutive form of femina, meaning "woman," which is not actually related to the word "male." In the late 14th century, the English spelling was altered so that the word paralleled the spelling of "male."

Most "females" the ones in definition 1 above, say things like, "oh, I like your polish, who did that for you"? I then get to say, I did it... We also compare handbags and shoes. It becomes lots of fun...
More later,


Hey, This Describes Me

From Wikipedia:
Androgyny is a term derived from the Greek words άνδρας (andras, meaning man) and γυνή (gyné, meaning woman) and refers to the mixing of masculine and feminine characteristics, as in fashion or true hermaphroditism.

An androgyne in terms of gender identity, is a person who does not fit cleanly into the typical masculine and feminine gender roles of their society. They may also use the term ambigender to describe themselves. Many androgynes identify as being mentally "between" woman and man, or as entirely genderless. They may identify as non-gendered, genderneutral, agendered, between genders, intergendered, bigendered, pangender or gender fluid. Genderqueer is often used as an umbrella term for the category.

Androgyne was once used as a synonym for hermaphrodite, although the term intersex is now widely used.
I am not a hermaphrodite... At least not in the physical sense, the mental description above and even in a spiritual sense is what fits me and the large majority of people...


KelliKonner in black leather outfit with red blouse

Relax in USA Rocky Mountain splendor at the historic Belton Chalet in West Glacier, Montana, USA.
Fine food, terrace lounge, and a gift shop are some of what you will find.

Semjâzâ Thomi

Semjâzâ Thomi And Baronessa
The Cat

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Trivial BS

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Last modified on Wednesday, September, 2016